Page history
last edited
by PBworks 17 years, 5 months ago
- FinalExam
End of Term Projects
- Identify a project that will keep you occupied for the remainder of the term
- Create a physical product
- Document your work in text, photos and downloadable files on your wiki
- Use the Design Process
- See Mr. Connors if you are unsure of what to work on.
- Due today
- Get your documentation done
- Take your hovercraft home or disassemble it
Next Projects
- Speak with Mr. Connors about possiblities for next projects
- We have about four classes before exams
- Due tomorrow
- When you are complete with the build phase of the project, move on to documentation
- Show in pictures text and CAD drawings what you have done
- Explain how the hovercraft works
- Explain what you have made
- When you are complete with the build and documentation, check with Mr. Connors for a next project
Mill and Lathe
- New materials arrived today.
- try out some metal or plastic
- Adjust your feed rate accordingly
- Assembly and finishing of the pens
- When you are complete with the build phase of the project, move on to documentation
- Show in pictures text and CAD drawings what you have done
- Explain how the hovercraft works
- Explain what you have made
- When you are complete with the build and documentation, check with Mr. Connors for a next project
Lathe video,
hovercraft table test, documentation
mill - design in foam, show process to others
shopbot - game design, show process to others
Catapult - test with golf ball, documentation
- Seniors - FinalExam
- Lathe - penmaking, tools and supplies
- Hovercrafts - test them on the track, redesign as needed
- Mill - Design in sketchup, mill in foam, Create toolpath using vector?
- If you didn't do it last week, hand it in thursday
- Include both weeks
Bridge building
- http://www.oreillynet.com/ignite/blog/2007/05/bridge_building_competition.html
- What would you build?
- How would you tell someone to build a hovercraft?
- Review the writing from last time
- Can the track be made ready this period?
- could the vehicles be made to overcome any shortcomings of the track?
- how quickly can we bring someone up to speed?
- test out your process on a new person
- If you didn't do it last week, hand it in thursday
- Include both weeks
lathe -penmaking video
mill - process for using mill, step by step
catapult - What do we need to restore the old catapult?
track needs to be tested
crafts need to be running forward
prom wall
- Due today
- Rudders/steering/proper function
- Make race run work consistently
- Test crafts on race run
- wood lathe - Round the workpiece so that it is smooth and uniform
- metal lathe - working with cutting board material
- working with wax - Roughing/finishing pass
- Can we get some corian?
- trigger mechanism
- contest specifications
- How can these catapults be modified and improved?
4x8 competition
- http://www.fabfolk.com/4x8designcompetition2
- What can you make with a single sheet of plywood?
- 2x4 size is also an option
- Rudders/steering/proper function
- Make race run work consistently
- Test crafts on race run
- Data gathering
- Competition
- other sizes for catapults
- materials?
keep the mill cutting most of the period
is your documentation done?
What is next?
- Battery test?
- Power cable test
- determine race conditions
- Race day
- data test
- King of fling
- distance and accuracy
mill and lathe
- fabricate in wax
- make your own design
- check out these videos - http://www.freemansupply.com/video.htm
- today
- Make some wax with rounded ends for lathe group
- Slow the tool down to accomodate harder material
- take more, shallower passes to accomodate harder material
- Round the wax to a cylinder
- Use the cylinder to make other designs
- need power distribution for crafts
- need a race track
- pvc pipe?
- how to get the electricity to the vehicles?
- 9 volt batteries
- data sheet for each location on the catapult
- materials list for catapult smaller than 4 feet long
West point bridge
- document what you have done and learned from the project
- include photos, links to files and text
- how can you use the pieces that are designed in sketchup and milled?
- Try some wax
- Keep the mill running most of the period
- Check the documentation/workflow for accuracy, is it dependent on sketchup pro?
- Can you make an instructable on the mill or sketchup to mill?
- Who can you show the process to?
- Go through the materials in the kit
- What do you need to turn some material?
- Can you widen the group?
- make the crafts lift as good as possible
- Weight is an issue
- Design the thrust cowl for maximum push
- make sure you clean up at the end of the period
- build a data chart based on the settings of the catapult and the distances
- How accurately can you shoot the ball?
- Check in with Mr. Connors on the project
- What makes the designs better than others?
- how can you use the pieces that are designed in sketchup and milled?
- Try some wax
- Keep the mill running most of the period
- Check the documentation/workflow for accuracy, is it dependent on sketchup pro?
- Can you make an instructable on the mill or sketchup to mill?
- Who can you show the process to?
- Go through the materials in the kit
- What do you need to turn some material?
- Can you widen the group?
- make the crafts lift as good as possible
- Weight is an issue
- Design the thrust cowl for maximum push
- make sure you clean up at the end of the period
- build a data chart based on the settings of the catapult and the distances
- How accurately can you shoot the ball?
- Check in with Mr. Connors on the project
- What makes the designs better than others?
- Convert picture to g code
- Use this picture
- http://dhsfab.pbwiki.com/HelloWorld
- Here are some links that might be helpful:
- http://www.majosoft.com/engraving/html/free_software_tools.html
- http://www.kellyware.com/
- This page has some good links - http://www.crankorgan.com/links.htm
- circuit building
- What needs to be assembled electrically before attaching the foam?
- Keep the design pretty much consistent on the first one
- Keep your documentation up to date
- Solder connections onto the motor
- Attach the lifting motors onto the skirt
- How to store work between classes? padlock group storage bin, label your parts
Sketchup Campus Project
- use google earth to get base layer for designs
- Identify buildings to work on in the campus
- Plan for photographing buildings
- identify collaborators
- read through the instructions
- design existing parts as they are
- review other designs
- compare your designs to other competitors
- Keep your documentation up to date
- use screen shots to show each bridge design
- explain what is good/bad about each bridge design
Fab -Micromill
- raster designs from sketchup
- write up a process for transferring from sketchup
- Text - How can you generate code to represent text?
- Being able to put any text on any object will be a good thing to have.
- picture to g code
- Open Office to g code
- Solder connections onto the motor
- Attach the lifting motors onto the skirt
- How to store work between classes? padlock group storage bin, label your parts
Sketchup Campus Project
- use google earth to get base layer for designs
- Identify buildings to work on in the campus
- Plan for photographing buildings
- identify collaborators
- read through the instructions
- design existing parts as they are
- review other designs
- compare your designs to other competitors
- Keep your documentation up to date
- use screen shots to show each bridge design
- explain what is good/bad about each bridge design
Fab -Micromill
- raster designs from sketchup
- write up a process for transferring from sketchup
- Text - How can you generate code to represent text?
- Being able to put any text on any object will be a good thing to have.
- Due today
Sketchup Campus Project
- Due tomorrow
- use the text wizard to write Hello World in 1 inch letters no longer than 6 inches long
- save the code that is generated and put it on your wiki
- use the rectangular pocket wizard to make a rectangular pocket 1x2 inches
- make notes on what works, and what is difficult
Generate G code
- The mach software will need a license file installed in the mach directory to allow it to run more than 1000 lines.
- use the Mill Wizard software to make a vector file and compare it to the raster file.
- Which can mill the part faster, vector or raster? Which can mill it cleaner?
- make a design that is no larger than 1 inch wide by 2 inches deep by 1/2 inch high
- export the file in 3d
- convert the file to g code using millwizard or another program
- use the text wizard to write Hello World in 1 inch letters no longer than 6 inches long
- save the code that is generated and put it on your wiki
- use the rectangular pocket wizard to make a rectangular pocket 1x2 inches
- make notes on what works, and what is difficult
Generate G code
- make a design that is no larger than 1 inch wide by 2 inches deep by 1/2 inch high
- export the file in 3d
- convert the file to g code using millwizard or another program
DesignBuild - Ideas
- hovercraft - http://www.kelvin.com/Merchant2/merchant.mv?Screen=PROD&Product_Code=841109&Category_Code=
- catapult
- airplanes
DesignBuild - Products
- Cad designs by individuals
- CAD designs by group
- individual physical products
- Micromill
- Take a look at this page for a place to start: http://dhsfab.pbwiki.com/MicroMillProcess
Start of term 4
- upload your work to the warehouse
- what buildings have not been done?
- DocumentationofProjects documentation due by end of week
- Include a copy of your daily documentation
- Sooner would be better than later
- due today
- Quality counts
- DocumentationofProjects documentation due by end of week
- Include a copy of your daily documentation
- Sooner would be better than later
- do this by end of the week
- DocumentationofProjects documentation due by end of week
- Include a copy of your daily documentation
- Sooner would be better than later
- do this by end of the week
- Upload your current work to the warehouse
- Base your design on the Google Earth data
- Basing it on Google Earth will help you get elevations and basic geometry for starting
- Name the file the street address of the building
- You may end up making a second version of the building after you get the techniques
- If you don't have google earth, you can have somebody else get the current view of the location, then send you the file.
- File size matters - Small is better for downloads and Google Earth
- Delete unseen geometry
- Use the photo to show most of the detail
- make components of repeated features like columns,
- Copy the components, then paste them, this will help keep file size small.
- Cropping the image makes it a smaller file
- Most of these computers should have gimp, a photo editor on them
- due today
- EndofTermUpdate due last class of next week
- Upload your current work to the warehouse
- Base your design on the Google Earth data
- Basing it on Google Earth will help you get elevations and basic geometry for starting
- Name the file the street address of the building
- You may end up making a second version of the building after you get the techniques
- If you don't have google earth, you can have somebody else get the current view of the location, then send you the file.
- File size matters - Small is better for downloads and Google Earth
- Delete unseen geometry
- Use the photo to show most of the detail
- make components of repeated features like columns,
- Copy the components, then paste them, this will help keep file size small.
- Cropping the image makes it a smaller file
- Most of these computers should have gimp, a photo editor on them
- Continue with the building you started last class
- Upload the building to the warehouse
- You can upload it again as you work
- Name the file the street address of the building
- Look up the address if you can't figure it out by looking at the photos
- Crop the pictures to keep file size small
- Delete the bottom of the building
- If you have photos you would like to add, put them on flickr
- Here is a public group for the project on flickr - http://flickr.com/groups/315169@N24/
- The photo group is publicly visible, and you can join it to add your pictures
- Mount Morris Michigan has a similar project done by one person - link
- Amherst is listed in the Cities in Development list - link
- here is the cities in development page - http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/cities.html
Go-ogle Earth and sketchup
- Here's a good video - link
T shirts
- Interested in sikscreen t shirt printing?
- There is an opportunity to visit G and G silkscreen printing in Plymouth
- This will be an after school thing
- Talk with Mr. Connors if you are interested
Sketchup and Google Earth
- Group elements and make components
- Copy the grouped component and paste that
- This will make the download easier
- Delete unseen faces (things that don't show to the viewer)
- Use a minimum of shapes to make the file smaller
- Do design important elements, significant details of buildings
- How do we get the building sizes correct?
- Check zillow.com has some data on the houses, but not much
- This site has some context on Google Earth - http://www.gearthblog.com/index.html
Hall's Corner Google Earth
- Whole class project
- Group collaboration
- Pick a building to design
- Geotag the building by its address
- Name the building by its address
- Use minimal geometry
- Delete all unseen faces
- Upload your building to the warehouse
- There are photos for every building in Hall's corner except a few on Depot Street and Chestnut Street
- Use these photos for textures - http://flickr.com/photos/connors934/sets/72157600021810275/
- Zillow also has photos taken from an airplane - http://www.zillow.com/HomeDetails.htm?zprop=57174149
tutorials and videos
- http://media.libsyn.com/media/atotheo/school_tss_009_h264_640.m4v
- grouping - http://sketchup.google.com/3dbuildviewer.html#id=6
- use components - http://sketchup.google.com/3dbuildviewer.html#id=6
- Google Earth optimization - http://media.libsyn.com/media/atotheo/GoogleEarth_to_Sketchup_part1.mov
- simplfying curves - http://sketchup.google.com/3dbuildviewer.html#id=5
From last class:
- pin photos as textures to show detail - http://sketchup.google.com/3dbuildviewer.html#id=10
- These videos are pretty good, and short - http://sketchup.google.com/gsu5vtvideos.html
- Good list of tutorial videos, done in flash - http://sketchup.google.com/3dbuildvideos.html
Sketchup and google earth
- video podcasts about sketchup- http://go-2-school.com/podcasts
- pin photos as textures to show detail - http://sketchup.google.com/3dbuildviewer.html#id=10
- These videos are pretty good, and short - http://sketchup.google.com/gsu5vtvideos.html
- slightly longer interview showing sketchup link to video
- this blog has good info on working with google earth - http://www.gearthblog.com/index.html
- Due at the start of the period
Google Earth
- Sketchup works with google earth
- Here is a link that shows how to place a model in google earth - http://sketchup.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?answer=36241
- Changes you make will likely just be on the computer you are at
- This ties in to the campus contest - http://contest.sketchup.com/entry.php?rules=1
- Here are a bunch of videos on how to design for google earth - http://sketchup.google.com/3dbuildvideos.html
- Separate - upload individual objects to the warehouse
- Go Out - combine the work of you, your collaboration, your classmates
- Go In - Make an accurately detailed model of something that will fit in your collaboration. See SketchupGoIn
- Here are some videos for sketchup 6 - http://sketchup.google.com/gsu6vtvideos.html
- Due Tomorrow (thursday)
- Separate - upload individual objects to the warehouse
- Go Out - combine the work of you, your collaboration, your classmates
- Go In - Make an accurately detailed model of something that will fit in your collaboration. See SketchupGoIn
- Here are some videos for sketchup 6 - http://sketchup.google.com/gsu6vtvideos.html
Google earth
- Sketchup works with google earth
- Here is a link that shows how to place a model in google earth - http://sketchup.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?answer=36241
- Changes you make will likely just be on the computer you are at
- This ties in to the campus contest - http://contest.sketchup.com/entry.php?rules=1
- Here are a bunch of videos on how to design for google earth - http://sketchup.google.com/3dbuildvideos.html
CNC equipment
- We have two cnc tools that can be used to fabricate CAD designs
- They don't have good established processes at this time
- Once we have a good process, the tools will become an active part of class.
- If you are interested in developing some process on cnc equipment speak with Mr. Connors
- Due at the start of the period
Next steps for Sketchup:
- Separate - upload individual objects to the warehouse
- Go Out - combine the work of you, your collaboration, your classmates
- Go In - Make an accurately detailed model of something that will fit in your collaboration. See SketchupGoIn
- Otherwise, speak with Mr. Connors about what is next
- The older files you created will probably have difficulties with accuracy and other mistakes
- you may encounter persistent problems with these files
- remember this? - http://contest.sketchup.com/entry.php How does it look now?
- Check your preview image
- Make sure it shows the best view
- if it doesn't, open the file, arrange the best view save the file
- upload the file again and the view should be renewed
- Make sure the comments are constructive
- check this link for policy on comments on sketchup comment policy
- you should be able to delete your own comments and ratings
- if your comments and ratings are not useful and appropriate, you should have them deleted by the end of the week.
- Due tomorrow
Next steps for Sketchup:
- Separate - upload individual objects to the warehouse
- Go Out - combine the work of you, your collaboration, your classmates
- Go In - Make an accurately detailed model of something that will fit in your collaboration. See SketchupGoIn
- Otherwise, speak with Mr. Connors about what is next
- The older files you created will probably have difficulties with accuracy and other mistakes
- you may encounter persistent problems with these files
- remember this? - http://contest.sketchup.com/entry.php How does it look now?
- Check your preview image
- Make sure it shows the best view
- if it doesn't, open the file, arrange the best view save the file
- upload the file again and the view should be renewed
- Make sure the comments are constructive
- check this link for policy on comments on sketchup comment policy
- you should be able to delete your own comments and ratings
- if your comments and ratings are not useful and appropriate, you should have them deleted by the end of the week.
Next steps for Sketchup:
- Separate - upload individual objects to the warehouse
- Go Out - combine the work of you, your collaboration, your classmates
- Go In - Make an accurately detailed model of something that will fit in your collaboration. See SketchupGoIn
Otherwise, speak with Mr. Connors about what is next
Sketchup collaboration
- Each person should create an assembly for the collaboration
- Create a new document to add all the files to it
- It may not be possible to fit your collaboration in the warehouse
- Use box.net to store the collaboration
Technique Demos
- Find something you have done well and show the class
Next steps for Sketchup:
- Separate - upload individual objects to the warehouse
- Go Out - combine the work of you, your collaboration, your classmates
- Go In - Make an accurately detailed model of something that will fit in your collaboration. See SketchupGoIn
Sketchup collaboration
- Each person should create an assembly for the collaboration
- Create a new document to add all the files to it
- It may not be possible to fit your collaboration in the warehouse
- Use box.net to store the collaboration
Technique Demos
- Find something you have done well and show the class
Sketchup collaboration
- Each person should create an assembly for the collaboration
- Create a new document to add all the files to it
Process for storing large files
- make a zip file of the sketchup file
- right click on the icon, choose send to, compressed (zip) folder
- Compare the size of the file
- Right click on the file icon, choose properties, look at the file size
- Compare the size of the zip to the original file.
- Upload the file to your box.net account
Process for storing photos of your work on flickr
- export a screen shot of your work
- open your flickr account
- upload the file to your account
- open the picture page
- click on all sizes
- open the small or medium size
- right click on the picture, view picture
- copy the address of the picture
- paste the picture address between two square brackets
- the picture should show up on your page
Next steps for Sketchup:
- Separate - upload individual objects to the warehouse
- Go Out - combine the work of you, your collaboration, your classmates
- Go In - Make an accurately detailed model of something that will fit in your collaboration. See SketchupGoIn
- Keep adding to your work on the collaboration
- Combine your work with your classmates
- continue to use the tags from last class duxtech, dhscad, dhs,cad,duxbury, dhscadspring07,
- Add your own tags to describe your work
- You may review and comment on each others' work
- make sure all comments and review are appropriate
- Make sure your comments are constructive and not put-downs
Online content
- If you run out of space in your wiki make some accounts for storage
- box.net allows you to store files
- flickr.com allows you to store pictures
- picasa.com allows you to store pictures
- Keep adding to your work in the collaboration
- Combine your work for the collaboration
- Each person should be able to use the components to make his or her own assembly
- Everybody should add at least one part to the warehouse
- use tags on the part
- use at least all of these tags: duxtech, dhscad, dhs,cad,duxbury, dhscadspring07,
- create a link to your collection in the warehouse
- One of the xp machines failed last class
- Most of the machines should have 6
- about half of the machines should have pro
- explore the differences between versions
- Pro was loaded on a few machines yesterday
- 6 was loaded on a few machines yesterday
- pro needs to have .net loaded on the machine for it to install
- .net probably does the license management
- What are the differences between sketchup and pro?
- We will continue to have demonstrations
- Ultimately, we should have everybody demo
- The first round of demos should be done before next Thursday
- Pick a technique and show it to the class
- Due today at the start of the period
- Don't write it during class
- you can hand it in late after class ends
- Sketchup pro was loaded on two machines yesterday
- If you would like to try it, it can be loaded on your machine
- The trial download is free and works for a bunch of hours
- Adding text to designs
- Adding photos to designs
- Each person should be keeping their own SketchUpCollaboration page
- show what you have made
- Explain what it is
- Update your page for the collaboration
- With a collaboration, you need to have some common criteria
- At least one person in each group should maintain a criteria page listing the agreements
- hand this page in today if you have not already
- Each person should be keeping their own SketchUpCollaboration page
- show what you have made
- Explain what it is
- Update your page for the collaboration
- With a collaboration, you need to have some common criteria
- At least one person in each group should maintain a criteria page listing the agreements
- Each group should hand in their collaboration criteria page
- Ask if you have questions
- Upgraded license codes have been recieved
- There will be enough for most of the computers in the class
- Due at start of class
- Update your page for the collaboration
- Each group should hand in their collaboration criteria page
- Check yesterday's assignment for details
- Ask if you have questions
- Due tomorrow at the start of class
- As you get good stuff, post it to the warehouse
- Before the end of class on Friday, print out your collaboration project
- At least one person in the group should be maintaining a criteria page
- The CollaborationCriteria should list all the common requirements
- It should have a link to each participant's SketchUpCollaboration page
- It should have links to parts that have been uploaded to the warehouse.
- upgraded two monitors
- Made one network cable,
- all computers have a network cable
- In process of creating a computer,
- it logs on with the system that the rest of the school uses
- It will probably need a new operating system to be like the rest of the room
Technique Demos
- show your project
- What have you done and how did you do it?
- Make sure you have posted criteria for the group to see
- as you get good stuff, post it to the warehouse
- You might want to use the warehouse as the connecting point for your collaboration
- Make links to your work on the warehouse.
Mini artillery
- Could we do this as a project?
- http://blog.modernmechanix.com/2007/02/12/fight-artillery-duels-in-fascinating-war-games/
- Speak with Mr. Connors if you have ideas on this.
- The individual pages are blocked by the filter, but you can get them at home.
Technique Demos
- Got a technique that others could try?
- Do a quick demo on it to show us how
- During demos, everybody should be silent
- It could be that you have to set the sizes of objects as you make them
- A technique on resizing elements would be handy
- Using the scale tool is moderately useful for this.
- You can use the things from the warehouse, but try to make as much as you can yourself
- Try to have each person make the elements of the larger project
- Each person can then combine the elements together into a complete assembly
- Export screen shots of the things you make
- Add the images to your wiki
- Make a print of your Sketchup Documentation before the end of the period
- Staple multiple sheets together
- You might want to print two sheets per page
- In the print dialog, go to layout, pages per sheet, 2
- Due today
- Hand it in later today for late credit
Technique Demos
- Got a technique that others could try?
- Do a quick demo on it to show us how
- During demos, everybody should be silent
- It could be that you have to set the sizes of objects as you make them
- A technique on resizing elements would be handy
- Using the scale tool is moderately useful for this.
- Make your collaboration project relatively simple
- For houses, make the exterior
- If you are doing the interior of the house, each person does a room
- Interiors might be too hard to start with
Existing Projects
- Print your documentation
- Hand it in
- If you need some more time on it, that's fine
This is a new project, and will require participants to keep an open mind to the evolving nature of the assignment. You can create lots of interesting stuff on your own, but you can really do amazing things when you work in a group. Each group member needs to be responsible for his or her own part. You may start this project when you are ready, or when you are assigned by your teacher.
- Identify a project that you and at least two classmates can work on
- Come up with some criteria for the product
- Identify some standards that are important like sizes and connecting points
- Post the requirements for your group on one of your wikis
- Call the page SketchUpCollaborationStandards
- Each group member makes a link to the collaboration standards
- Each group member designs a product that meets the standards
- The other group members can download and combine the files in an assembly
Sketch Up Existing projects
- You can continue to work on your current project for a bit longer
- At some point you will work on the SketchUpCollaboration project
- Look for a sensible end point and aim for it.
- Due next class
Sketch Up discussion
- What do you like about Sketch Up?
- What don't you like about Sketch Up?
- What is the neatest thing you have figured out?
- What is the thing that you want to figure out?
- Scholarship deadline
- scholarship description/application http://www.carrillounderwater.com/mate/application.htm
CNC Project
- The controller has arrived from Make Magazine.
- We need to figure out how to run a stepper motor with the make controller
- dhsfab.pbwiki.com
Sketch Up
- Make sure you export a screen shot of significant details
- You will need to rename each picture to keep them from being overwritten
- Save your file to your wiki so you can get to it elsewhere
- We will have a group discussion about the software and techniques early next week
- Check the links
- Due today at the start of class
What's Up with Sketch Up?
Answer the questions below and hand them in before the end of the period
- What do you like about Sketch Up?
- What don't you like about Sketch Up?
- What is the neatest thing you have figured out?
- What is the thing that you want to figure out?
Sketch Up
- Make sure you export a screen shot of significant details
- You will need to rename each picture to keep them from being overwritten
- Save your file to your wiki so you can get to it elsewhere
- We will have a group discussion about the software and techniques early next week
- Check the links
- Due tomorrow at the start of class
- don't plan on writing it in class
Sketch Up
This is a new project, and we are learning the software as a group.
- You should have a page called SketchUpDocumentation
- Export Screen Shots - Make sure you do this as you work
- Showing the progress of the work you do helps demonstrate your work to you and others
- Add a variable, such as the date, to the file name of the picture
- If you upload the picture with the same name as last time, the old one will be gone
- Share your new tips
- Ask for help of your neighbors
- Demos on the processes will happen as needed and known
MATE Contest - http://dhsrov.pbwiki.com/
- We are looking for some partipants
- All grades and genders are welcome
- Check with Mr. Connors for more info
CNC Project - http://dhsfab.pbwiki.com/
- Make Magazine has donated a controller
- We will need to figure out how to program it
- Here is the controller - http://www.makezine.com/controller/
- This machine will allow you to 'print' your CAD designs
- Check with Mr. Connors for more info
- Exporting screen shots
- Uploading your files to your wiki
- Finding the tools
- This is a new project
- It is more important that we demonstrate the ablility to figure it out than that you follow instruction in lockstep.
- Possible project ideas
- Campus Design contest - http://contest.sketchup.com/entry.php?rules=1
- this is a good document that requires acrobat reader - http://contest.sketchup.com/modelyourcampus.pdf
Finding information about the software
- http://www.sketchucation.com/
- http://learningmoreaboutsketchup.blogspot.com/
MATE Remote Controlled Vehicle (ROV) contest
- Duxbury High School will be entering a ROV contest
- The competition date is April 27 and 28
- This is an after school project
- The list of other schools competing is on this page: http://www.marinetech.org/rov_competition/regional_contests/regional_contest.php?rov_competition_id=23
- Information about the competition is here: http://www.marinetech.org/rov_competition/2007/international_comp_2007.php
CNC fabrication machine project
- Make Magazine has provided a set of plans for us to make a computer controlled tool
- The link to the web posting about the project is here: http://www.makezine.com/blog/archive/2007/01/cnc_router_plan.html
- The link to the company's site about the plans is here: http://www.stonehook.net/cnchome.htm
- We will make the machine and document our process and progress
- Here is a start on our documentation: http://dhsfab.pbwiki.com/
- Make Magazine will post information about our project on this site:
- The magazine may put information about our projec in the printed edition
- Create a page called SketchUpDocumentation
- Try out the software
- Check out the tutorials and help menu
- Check out the Sketch Up Wiki http://www.suwiki.org/
- Check out the tutorials - http://www.suwiki.org/suwiki/index.php?title=Tutorials
- Save a screen shot of the work you have done on your SketchUpDocumentation page.
- http://sketchup.google.com/tutorials.html
- Hand it in for a 3 (B)
- Next class it is worth a 2 (C)
- Make your wiki pretty close to what you see here: http://duxtech.pbwiki.com/FrontPageTest
- Here is the instruction and explanation StudentCourseWiki
- Make your WeeklyUpdate pretty close to what you see here: http://duxtech.pbwiki.com/WeeklyUpdateTest
- Print your Front Page and WeeklyUpdate when you get them set up right. Staple them together.
- Hand in for a homework grade
- Late will be accepted for a reduced grade
- If you lost the form, you can get a new one (without spelling errors) at this link: http://duxtech.pbwiki.com/SafetyRules
Sketch Up
- Intro to software
- Test it out and see what you can do
- Review of safe practices and classroom rules
- Sign and have your parent sign
- Bring it in next class for an easy homework assignment
- If you lose the form, you can print a new one at this link - http://duxtech.pbwiki.com/SafetyRules
Make a Student course Wiki - http://duxtech.pbwiki.com/StudentCourseWiki
- A wiki is an easy way to make a website
- You don't need any special software or skills to make and use it.
- There are plenty of free wikis available, we are using pbwiki.com
- This wiki is where you will store documentation of your work
- Your WeeklyUpdate will be saved here
- You can create links to resources that help you
- You will need to link back to the course wiki and department wiki
- After you have made your StudentCourseWiki, check out the links on the CAD wiki
Google Sketchup
- One of the software packages we will be working with is Sketchup
- Check it out, try it, see what you can get it to do.
- It is available for free download
- You can also get a student version for short money.
- We may be using an upgraded version in class.
- Information gathering
- Classroom Policies
- Info Card - http://duxtech.pbwiki.com/InfoCard?raw=pdf
Course structure
- Whole group common experience
- Gradual introduction of group and individual assignments
- Documentation of work is essential
- Assignments
- WeeklyUpdate
- Daily effort grade
Course Description
714 Computer Aided Design
Accurate communication of technical details is essential in science, technology and engineering. In this course you will learn to use computer drafting programs to produce technical drawings related to mechanical engineering and architecture. Traditional hand drawing and sketching techniques will be introduced as well as computer controlled manufacturing. If you are interested in cars or mechanics, interior design, if you want to be an engineer or an architect or if you just want to learn how to communicate your ideas through neat drawings, you should consider taking this course.
Tip: To turn text into a link, highlight the text, then click on a page or file from the list above.
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