

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 11 months ago



  1. today is the last day of design
  2. Near the end of the period, print a report on your best bridge
  3. Print your documentation showing what you have done on this project
  4. Staple these together and hand them in before the end of class.



  1. Add your work to the sketchup warehouse
  2. Print images of your work
  3. print your documentation of your work on this project



  1. Write up the processes that you have figured out
  2. Add some screen shots to illustrate computer based features.
  3. Print them and hand them in before the end of the period



  1. Hand drawing techniques
  2. Pro Desktop
  3. Assembly
  4. West Point Bridge
  5. recap of the semester




  • You should be improving on one design each day rather than starting fresh
  • You should make a screen shot each time you have class and add it to your wiki
  • You should Make a printout of the bridge qualities on the last day of class
  • You should be able to explain why you have designed the bridge in the way you have.


  1. See Mr. Connors about the group project idea


  1. Create another silicone mold this class so you can mold a positive next class
  2. Create G code files of some simple text charactars so we can make signs
  3. Import a line based graphic to make g code?
  4. Keep the mill running all class
  5. Cut an object that can be molded
  6. Type up/put on wiki descriptions of what you know about for future reference
  7. Create links to the resources that you have found for doing these processes
  8. Check out this link on DocumentationofProjects - http://duxtech.pbwiki.com/DocumentationofProjects




  1. Design the cheapest bridge with the fewest structural members
  2. You can change the settings on each member in the design side.
  3. Make some changes, test the bridge
  4. Save your work to your wiki and you can work at home
  5. Create a screen shot each day to show what you have done


  1. See Mr. Connors about the group project idea

  1. Try some silicone mold material again
  2. have the mill crew create an object to mold
  3. Write some process on your wiki


  • CNC
  1. Cut some easy stuff and some simple stuff
  2. Try to keep the mill running for as much of the period as possible.
  3. Write some process on your wiki


  • GCode
  1. Create some simple letter based code that can be quickly run
  2. Write some process on your wiki



  1. Design the cheapest bridge with the fewest structural members
  2. You can change the settings on each member in the design side.
  3. Make some changes, test the bridge
  4. Save your work to your wiki and you can work at home


  1. Test out the tutorials
  2. See what the software can do


  1. There are three sections below
  2. You should be aware of what your classmates are working on
  3. you should get as much done as possible in the period


  • Moldmaking -
  1. Make a graduated cylindar for repeated use
  2. Using disposable cups would be a good idea
  3. Using film canisters would also be a good idea
  4. Polyurethane the frames you have for future use
  5. While the poly is drying you can pour the mold or vice versa
  6. Be prepared to write up a process


  • CNC
  1. Cut some simple profiles
  2. Long profiles will take a long time to run
  3. You can find samples that are shown in the blue ringbinder with the manual in it.
  4. Be prepared to write up a process for working with the mill


  • G Code
  1. Make some code of your own
  2. Make some code of your initials
  3. Transfer the code to the machine with the mill
  4. Be prepared to write up a process for writing code



  1. You will be designing a bridge that matches the criteria of the contest
  2. The contest for West Point Bridge Developer is at: http://bridgecontest.usma.edu/overview.htm
  3. The new contest and software is released today.
  4. Check out the new contest, but the software download will take too long.
  5. You should be able to work on the bridge at home if you save to your wiki.
  6. Check with Mr. Connors if you get stuck
  7. Update your daily documentation


  1. Check out the weekly challenges
  2. Video tutorials - http://www.sketchup.com/?sid=35
  3. some of these tutorials are very helpful - http://www.suwiki.org/suwiki/index.php?title=Tutorials
  4. You might want to get a student license - http://www.sketchup.com/index.php?id=1888



  1. The three groups are: CNC, Plastic Molding and G Code generation
  2. Each group will be depending on the success of the other two groups
  3. If you get stuck on how to proceed, check with Mr. Connors.




  1. Hand it in


  1. You will choose today either sketchup or West Point Bridge Developer
  2. Each software package has a contest associated with it
  3. Each software has a free download that you can get at home
  4. The contest for Sketchup is at: http://3dchallenge.sketchup.com/forumdisplay.php?f=2
  5. Each week a new constest is posted
  6. The contest for West Point Bridge Developer is at: http://bridgecontest.usma.edu/overview.htm
  7. Check with Mr. Connors if you get stuck


  • Make a plan for the project
  1. State on your plan what you will be doing for the remainder of the term
  2. If you will be collaborating, make links to each other's proposal and documentation on the project
  3. Hand in a print of your plan before the end of the period
  4. Check with Mr. Connors if you get stuck


  1. CNC group should continue on their path
  2. Check with Mr. Connors if you get stuck



  1. Test out Google Sketchup this period
  2. At the end of this period, you will need to choose either west point bridge or sketchup
  3. Check with Mr. Connors if you get stuck


  1. CNC group should continue on their path
  2. Check with Mr. Connors if you get stuck



  1. Test out the applications on your computer on this list
  2. West Point Bridge Contest, Sketchup, Eagle PCB,
  3. Export a screen shot of what you can create
  4. Choose one that you would like to work with for the rest of the term
  5. Create your SecondTermProjects page
  6. Include the screen shot of your work of the period
  7. Write up a brief description of what you did this period in your Daily Documentation page
  8. We will likely have three groups of projects


  • Weekly Update
  1. Don't forget it
  2. Due Friday



  1. These projects will take us up to the end of the semester
  2. This is an opportunity to try out some other aspects of Computer Aided Design
  3. Some suggestions are CNC, West Point Bridge Contest, Sketchup, Eagle PCB, Data CAD
  4. There are a bunch of project descriptions on the site, check them out
  5. You can workwith bridge design with wet point bridge builder (contest details released in Jan)
  6. YOu can design objects and buildings with Sketch Up!
  7. You can design electric circuits and circuit boards with Eagle PCB and Express PCB
  8. You can convert Pro Desktop files to G code and cnc files with millwizard


  • Daily Documentation
  1. Export a screen shot of the parts and subassemblies you have worked with
  2. you might export several shots
  3. Put them on your wiki
  4. Make a zip file of the parts your work on
  5. upload the parts
  6. Write a bit about what you did and learned each day.
  7. Add the text to the area where the pictures are.



  1. Assemble the work of your stuff with the work of your classmates
  2. Work together to quality check the work
  3. if a part doesn't open properly, ask around and see if the problem is universal
  4. Some people are finding that zipping the file makes a difference
  5. Let Mr. Connors know if you find good solutions


  1. Due now


  • Daily Documentation
  1. Export a screen shot of the parts and subassemblies you have worked with
  2. you might export several shots
  3. Put them on your wiki
  4. Make a zip file of the parts your work on
  5. upload the parts
  6. Write a bit about what you did and learned each day.
  7. Add the text to the area where the pictures are.


  • Term Two Projects
  1. Mr. Connors is accepting proposals of individual and small group projects
  2. These projects would be done in the last three weeks of the semester
  3. Some suggestions are CNC, West Point Bridge Contest, Sketchup, Eagle PCB, Data CAD
  4. Write your proposal outside of class and bring it in before friday




  1. Assemble the work of your stuff with the work of your classmates
  2. Work together to quality check the work
  3. if a part doesn't open properly, ask around and see if the problem is universal
  4. Some people are finding that zipping the file makes a difference
  5. Let Mr. Connors know if you find good solutions


  • Weekly Update
  1. Don't forget it
  2. Due Friday


  • Daily Documentation
  1. Export a screen shot of the parts and subassemblies you have worked with
  2. you might export several shots
  3. Put them on your wiki
  4. Make a zip file of the parts your work on
  5. upload the parts
  6. Write a bit about what you did and learned each day.
  7. Add the text to the area where the pictures are.


  • Term Two Projects
  1. Mr. Connors is accepting proposals of individual and small group projects
  2. These projects would be done in the last three weeks of the semester
  3. Some suggestions are CNC, West Point Bridge Contest, Sketchup, Eagle PCB, Data CAD
  4. Write your proposal outside of class and bring it in before friday



  1. You should be assembling the work of your classmates into a community
  2. If the computer gets bogged down, try viewing as wire frame to save memory
  3. Make sure you document your work on your Documentation page
  4. f9 is wire frame
  5. f10 is transparent
  6. f11 is no lines
  7. f12 normal view


  • Daily Documentation
  1. Export a screen shot of the parts and subassemblies you have worked with
  2. you might export several shots
  3. Put them on your wiki
  4. Make a zip file of the parts your work on
  5. upload the parts
  6. Write a bit about what you did and learned each day.
  7. Add the text to the area where the pictures are.


  • Term Two Projects
  1. Mr. Connors is accepting proposals of individual and small group projects
  2. These projects would be done in the last three weeks of the semester
  3. Some suggestions are CNC, West Point Bridge Contest, Sketchup, Eagle PCB, Data CAD
  4. Write your proposal outside of class and bring it in before friday



  1. You should have an up to date LegoGroup page
  2. Each item should have a description of what it is
  3. The description should say how big it is, length by width by height
  4. your file name should indicate your first name and last initial
  5. Print it before 8am
  6. Print it two sheets to a page
  7. Group assembly - Add assemblies from your classmates to a new file
  8. It should keep to the size requirements of the assignment
  9. Here is your classmates' work: LegoGroupFall06



  1. Do your design
  2. Put it on your site
  3. Add your first name to each design's file name
  4. Add a picture to the wiki of each design
  5. Add some text to describe each design
  6. Check your link on this page: LegoGroupFall06
  7. Print your LegoGroup Page 2 to a sheet
  8. Hand it in before the end of class.


  • Weekly Update
  1. Hand it in




  1. Create a page called LegoGroup
  2. Create a folder called LegoGroup
  3. Download a fresh copy of the lego parts using this link
  4. http://prodesktop.net/edg3/lego_v8.zip
  5. Save them in your LegoGroup folder
  6. Make your subassembly using only the parts in the download
  7. Your subassembly should be done by the end of the period
  8. Export a photo of your subassembly
  9. Upload your subassembly to your wiki
  10. Upload your picture of the subassembly to the wiki
  11. Make a link to the file
  12. Write a description of your subassembly
  13. Print a copy of your LegoGroup page




  1. today is the last class to work on this project.
  2. When you have it done, print your LegoSubassembly page
  3. if it is not handed in by Wednesday, it will be considered a zero


  • Lego Subassmbly Group project
  1. we will have a group discussion about this project about twenty minutes into the period.
  2. very individual will create their own product on this project
  3. Make a LegoSubassemblyGroupProject page for your documentation on the assignment
  4. Next, you will make an agreement with a few other students on what you will build
  5. identify the group members on your LegoSubassembly page.
  6. Identify what you will aim to build on the page
  7. Make the subassemblies you need
  8. Use the subassemblies of your classmates
  9. each person should make a unique design based on the group's subassemblies
  10. Document your work before the end of class.




  1. Due at the start of class today
  2. include last week in your writing


  1. Use the parts provided by your classmates
  2. make something interesting and inovative with the designs
  3. Make sure you update your documentation
  4. Hand in a print of your LegoSubassembly page this period
  5. Print it Two to a sheet if it is long.
  6. After you have handed in your print of your LegoSubassembly page, then you can work on the next project


  • Lego Subassmbly Group project
  1. very individual will create their own product on this project
  2. Make a LegoSubassemblyGroupProject page for your documentation on the assignment
  3. Next, you will make an agreement with a few other students on what you will build
  4. identify the group members on your LegoSubassembly page.
  5. Identify what you will aim to build on the page
  6. Make the subassemblies you need
  7. Use the subassemblies of your classmates
  8. each person should make a unique design based on the group's subassemblies
  9. Document your work before the end of class.




  1. Upload a screenshot of each subassembly you have made before you start today
  2. Look at the parts that have been uploaded
  3. make something interesting and inovative with the designs
  4. Make sure you update your documentation


  • Lego Subassmbly Group project
  1. Next, you will make an agreement with a few other students on what you will build
  2. identify the group members on your LegoSubassembly page.
  3. Identify what you will aim to build on the page
  4. Make the subassemblies you need
  5. Use the subassemblies of your classmates
  6. each person should make a unique design based on the group's subassemblies
  7. Document your work before the end of class.


  1. Due at the start of class Friday
  2. include last week in your writing



  1. Make sure you have uploaded your part assembly to your wiki
  2. Check everybody else's assemblies
  3. download everybody else's assemblies to your subassembly directory
  4. find all the parts
  5. Make a new design, call it firstnamelastinitiallegoassembly
  6. Add the first assembly to your new design
  7. fix it, add the other assemblies from your classmates
  8. Make something cool
  9. Export a screenshot
  10. zip the directory
  11. Upload the assebmly in zip form
  12. Print your LegoSubassembly page



  • Documentation
  1. Hand in your documentation done since the last hand in
  2. you should have a horizontal line and date at the last hand in
  3. Print it two sheets to a page
  4. Staple it
  5. hand it in before working on the subassembly project
  6. Add a horizontal line and today's date at the top of your documentatation
  7. you do not need to include today's documentation in the page you hand in
  8. Continue to do your documentation every day you work in class.


  1. Make an assembly with four or more blocks
  2. Fix the first block
  3. constrain each additional block in at least three ways to keep it from moving.
  4. add some color to the blocks you use
  5. save your assembly in a folder on your hard drive
  6. The assembly must be called FirstNameLastInitial use your first name and last initial
  7. make a zip file of your assembly
  8. upload the file to your wiki
  9. Make a page on your wiki called LegoSubassembly
  10. make a link to your zip file
  11. Find the link to your classmates work on LegoSubassemblyFall06



  • Daily Documentation
  1. Export a screen shot of the parts and subassemblies you have worked with
  2. you might export several shots
  3. Put them on your wiki
  4. Make a zip file of the parts your work on
  5. upload the parts
  6. Write a bit about what you did and learned each day.
  7. Add the text to the area where the pictures are.



  • Legos
  1. document your work as you go
  2. export a screen shot at the end of each class,
  3. Write up a little bit about what you have learned each day you work
  4. You can change the color of the blocks
  5. Color the blocks in the subassemblies, and the final assembly will take the same color


  1. Make an assembly with four or more blocks
  2. Fix the first block
  3. constrain each additional block in at least three ways to keep it from moving.
  4. add some color to the blocks you use
  5. save your assembly in a folder on your hard drive
  6. The assembly must be called FirstNameLastInitial use your first name and last initial
  7. make a zip file of your assembly
  8. upload the file to your wiki
  9. Make a page on your wiki called LegoSubassembly
  10. make a link to your zip file



  1. Due at the start of class
  2. If it isn't done at the start of class, get it to me later in the day
  3. Don't write it during class, it won't be accepted.


  • Legos
  1. work with subasseblies to make your designs
  2. document your work as you go
  3. export a screen shot at the end of each class,
  4. Write up a little bit about what you have learned each day you work
  5. You can change the color of the blocks
  6. Color the blocks in the subassemblies, and the final assembly will take the same color


  1. Make an assembly with four or more blocks
  2. Fix the first block
  3. constrain each additional block in at least three ways to keep it from moving.
  4. add some color to the blocks you use
  5. save your assembly in a folder on your hard drive
  6. The assembly must be called FirstNameLastInitial use your first name and last initial
  7. make a zip file of your assembly
  8. upload the file to your wiki
  9. Make a page on your wiki called LegoSubassembly
  10. make a link to your zip file



  • Legos
  1. At this time, you should either have several lego designs or one complex design.
  2. Make sure you document your progress each day
  3. Continue to work on your lego assemblies
  4. do the assembly tutorial from Monday
  5. Upload it to your prodesktop documentation page
  6. Make some crazy lego assemblies using the lego parts supplied
  7. document each lego assembly you make on your documentation page.
  8. Make a zip file of the parts you need for the assemblies, upload it to your wiki


  • Subassemblies
  1. Create folders for individual projects
  2. zip the folder to save space and make it easier to upload
  3. You should be starting to use subassemblies for your designs
  4. For a device that is symmetrical, make the sides separately
  5. Add the subassemblies to a next level assemblies
  6. If you need to change a part, you change it to the original assembly and everything updates


  1. Take a look at the contest information
  2. Come up with something you could do for the contest
  3. Check your idea with Mr. Connors


  1. This week will include last week as well
  2. It is due at the start of the last class of the week



  • Legos
  1. Continue to work on your lego assemblies
  2. do the assembly tutorial from Monday
  3. Upload it to your prodesktop documentation page
  4. Make some crazy lego assemblies using the lego parts supplied
  5. document each lego assembly you make on your documentation page.
  6. Make a zip file of the parts you need for the assemblies, upload it to your wiki


  1. Take a look at the contest information
  2. Come up with something you could do for the contest
  3. Check your idea with Mr. Connors


  1. This week will include last week as well
  2. It is due at the start of the last class of the week



  • Legos
  1. do the assembly tutorial from Monday
  2. Upload it to your prodesktop documentation page
  3. Make some crazy lego assemblies using the lego parts supplied
  4. document each lego assembly you make on your documentation page.
  5. Make a zip file of the parts you need for the assemblies, upload it to your wiki



Mock governor's debate

Report to class, we will go to the assembly from there.



  • Tutorials
  1. Do the assembly tutorial - http://www.prodesktop.net/edg3/lego.htm
  2. Here are the parts - http://www.prodesktop.net/edg3/lego_v8.zip
  3. Add image and text to your documentation page


  1. Add two horizontal lines to the top of your documentation list
  2. Add Term 1 below the lines
  3. Add Term 2 above the lines
  4. Keep adding text and photos everytime you create an object in Pro Desktop



  1. Answer these questions on your wiki,
  2. Hand it in instead of your WeeklyUpdate
  3. Hand it in on the last day of class this week
  4. Do this instead of the WeeklyUpdate


  1. Hand in the work you have done since the last hand in assignment
  2. There should be a horizontal line above the previous hand in point
  3. Add a horizontal line above the top entry so you know what you have handed in




  • Prints
  1. Did you print the holey block on your border?
  2. make sure you check the print previe before printing.
  3. You should print true scale
  4. The border should have one line around the outside of the sheet


  • Tutorials
  1. Do Loft through Profiles next http://www.prodesktop.net/loft/loft.htm
  2. Print your designs using the instructions in TitleBlock
  3. As you do designs, add them to your ProDesktopDocumentation page
  4. Don't print your documentation until requested


  1. Answer these questions on your wiki,
  2. Hand it in instead of your WeeklyUpdate
  3. Hand it in on the last day of class this week
  4. Do this instead of the WeeklyUpdate




Copy these questions to your wiki, answer them and hand them in on the last class of the term.


What have you done this term?


What was the biggest challenge for you this term?


What have you learned that could be useful outside of school?


Of the thigns you have done this term, what would you like to do more of?



  • Tutorials
  1. Make prints of your simple.dra drawing file
  2. Start putting your designs on your TitleBlock
  3. Print your designs using the instructions in TitleBlock
  4. As you do designs, add them to your ProDesktopDocumentation page
  5. Do Loft through Profiles next
  6. Don't print your documentation until requested



  • WeeklyUpdate
  1. Due today at the start of class
  2. Don't write it or print it during class.
  3. If you can't hand it in at the start of class, get it to me later in the day


  • Tutorials
  1. Basic Drawing tutorial - http://prodesktop.net/drawing/drawing.htm
  2. Start putting your designs on your TitleBlock
  3. Check this for an idea of how it should look before you print


  • WeeklyUpdate
  1. Due tomorrow at the start of class
  2. If you can't hand it in at the start of class, get it to me later in the day


  • ProDesktopDocumentation
  1. if you didn't hand it in yesterday, get it done now
  2. Add the date three dashes (---) above the revolve entry to show where you handed it in. This will give you a horizontal line to divide the hand in assignments
  3. Next week you will hand in another update of your documentation.
  4. Make sure everything is up to date for that hand in.


  • Tutorials
  1. do the funnel today http://prodesktop.net/revolve/revolve.htm
  2. do sweep along trajectory http://prodesktop.net/sweep/sweep.htm



  • ProDesktopDocumentation
  1. Make sure it is up to date
  2. print before the end of class
  3. 2 pages per sheet, select your work, print only the selection


  1. demo on revolve process
  2. funnel tutorial



  1. your documentation should look pretty much like this: http://maxcad.pbwiki.com/ProDesktop
  2. Check out the project description at this link: ProDesktopDocumentation
  3. Put the most recent project always at the top
  4. make sure you have the text and photo for each thing you have made


  1. 2 pages per sheet
  2. make sure you have the writing and pictures done before printing


  1. demo on revolve process
  2. funnel tutorial




  • Gear tutorials
  1. Complete the gear tutorial
  2. if you have trouble, ask for help
  3. Work on the Helical gear tutorial next
  1. update your page everytime you complete a part
  2. update your page if you run out of classtime while working on a part
  3. Add a photo (go to the file menu, choose export, choose jpeg)
  4. Resize the photos so they aren't huge
  5. Add text below the picture explaining what you learned from making the part.
  6. Get your ProDesktopDocumentation page up to date and print it two sheets to a page.



  • Make sure your ProDesktop documentatoin page is up to date
  1. Hole block picture and text explaining what you learned from it
  2. Basic Design picture and text explaining what you learned from it
  3. Gear picture and text explaining what you learned from it
  4. All the files for the above should be on your wiki, but you don't have to have a link on the page
  5. Print your Files page to show what you have saved
  6. Print your documentation page 2 to a sheet


  • Gear tutorial - finish it if you haven't
  1. save the file on your wiki
  2. export a picture to your wiki
  3. Add a bit of text to your ProDesktop page explaining what you learned from the tutorial
  4. The group should pick a tutorial to do next from the ProDesktopTutorialsList


  • Have you returned your Progress Report yet?
  1. Returning the Progress Report counts as a grade.
  2. The longer you wait, the lower the grade will be on the Progress Report


  1. Due this week
  2. Use Print Selection to print only the stuff you wrote this week.
  3. Don't shrink the page if it is just one page
  4. if it is more than one page, print two pages per sheet





  • WeeklyUpdate due at the start of class.
  • Progress Reports due back today
  • Help Menu in ProDesktop
  • Basic design tutorial
  • ProDesktop.net
  • Do not use Box.net during class.



  • Hole block will be demonstrated
  • Use the help menu to get to tutorials
  • Do the Basic Design tutorial
  • Save your work to the thaw space
  • Save your work to your wiki
  • Export a photo of your work in Isometric
  • Put the photo and a link to your work on your Pro Desktop documentation page.
  • any graded papers left in the room will recieve a reduced grade. Take them home or throw them out.



  • Hole Block on ProDesktop
  • Save your file on your wiki
  • export a photo for your wiki
  • upload the photo to the wiki
  • Write a quick description of what you did to make the hole block, include the photo





Boston Globe Article on PTC, maker of ProDesktop -

  1. http://dhscad.pbwiki.com/
  2. http://dhscad.pbwiki.com/Fall2006Assignments
  3. ProDesktopDocumentation, WeeklyUpdate
  • Print your Front Page and hand it in before the period ends
  • Intro to Pro Desktop
  • You will be handing a WeeklyUpdate starting this week (Due at the start of class on the last day of class for the week) This week's last day is Thursday.



  • Hand in full page drawings
  1. One should be a pictoral view,
  2. One should be an accurate view (see below)
  1. Pro Desktop user page - http://prodesktop.net/
  2. Tutorials page without the header - http://prodesktop.net/tutor.htm
  • You will be handing a WeeklyUpdate starting this week (Due at the start of class on the last day of class for the week



  • Make two full page drawings of the same object using the techniques we have worked with in the past few weeks. You might want to draw a cell phone, mp3 player, game controller or other device. Cell phone, remote control, computer mouse, toy car, hand tool, mp3 player are a few reccomendations for you to work on.


  1. Choose one from the accurate techniques: Orthographic, Three View Orthographic, Isometric,
  2. Choose one from the pictoral techniques: One Point Perspective, Two Point Perspective, Oblique.
  3. Center the drawing in the page
  4. Neatly write your name and date at the bottom of the page
  5. Hand in one by the end of the period and one on Monday at the start of class.
  1. Pro Desktop user page - http://prodesktop.net/
  2. Tutorials page without the header - http://prodesktop.net/tutor.htm

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